Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Victorian Bath exhibition

Life in Victorian Bath exhibition

The Victoria Art Gallery
With my new focused attitude to improving my mind I thought today would be a good day to view the current exhibition at the Victoria Art Gallery in Bath.

Considering the gallery was built (despite public opposition) during the Victorian era I believe it's a great exhibition for the gallery to show.

I was not disappointed, the exhibition was extremely interesting and thought provoking. The Victorian era was one of immense importance to the structure of Bath today, as it was in 1878 that they discovered and began to excavate the Roman Baths, making way for all the tourists that visit the city today.

Also on show at the Gallery is an exhibition of the Landscape artist David Tress. Sorry David but I wasn't impressed, Sebastian Pether's Moonlight Scene is more to my taste.

The Victorian exhibition is on till 2nd February and Tress is showing till 6th February so there's still time to go view for yourself. Even if you've been before it's still worth checking out the upper gallery to see what's new, and there's a great portrait of Harry Patch "The last fighting Tommy" by Dan Llewelyn Hall.


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