Monday, January 10, 2011

Further afield!

Tithe barn at Bradford-on-Avon

 Living in Bath I feel I may be a bit spoilt on the heritage front, I mean I have everything on my doorstep. From Romans to Victorians to Georgians, From Jane Austen to William Beckford to Beau Nash Bath has it all. Why then would I need to go anywhere else?

I was surprised therefore to find myself one day last week in the small Town of Bradford-on-Avon. and whilst it wasn't a one Starbucks town (There wasn't one anywhere in sight, not even a Nero's) it was still a good place to go for some heritage.

Saxon church at Bradford-on-Avon

 The Tithe barn was amazing to view and the Saxon church was both spiritual and cute, (if I'm allowed to say so). I could really imagine myself in the small congregation.

And keeping with my New year resolutions there were some awesome walking to be done with some of the best views.

However I would advise anyone venturing to this picturesque town to do so on a sunny day and not a rainy one. I was also disappointed to find out that the day I went the one museum was closed for the winter.
If you are planning a trip it re-opens on the 15th January and is free.

Well once everything to be seen had been seen and with the rain still coming down I naturally had to console myself with some shopping. Although I did relieve myself of some cash it didn't take long and was soon back on the train to Bath. Lovely lovely Bath, oh why did I ever leave you, you have everything I need and want including high street shops and coffee houses.

The Tithe ghost?

 On a totally separate note I believe I've invented the tale of the tithe barn ghost. This image appeared on my camera whilst i was taking photos of the barn and to me it looks like an old-fashioned farmer in his straw hat carrying a pitchfork. Is he of to work not knowing time has passed him by or is he there to scare away any visitors from his domain?

Do you see what I see? or maybe you have your own story of the barn ghost?

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