Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Is this Heritage?

My first blog entry maybe a little controversial and I hope stir up some debate. As a long term resident of Bath I love the old gas works, I think it's part of our industrial heritage and Bath's sky line would not be complete without it. However I know not everyone would agree believing it to be an eyesore. I'd like to know what others think?

1 comment:

  1. The gas works are not pleasent to look at. Bath's skyline would be perfectly acceptable without them and a much nicer piece could be put in their place.
    This has been my arguement for 2 years. However, I am recently inclined to see your point of view and perhaps the skyline would be irrevocably changed for the worst if this final gas structure was demolished. I know that it would leave a big gap when I am walking past that area and perhaps I would miss it...
    Is this heritage? Yes. Is it pretty? NO. Should we preserve it? I am not sure anymore...
